Mini Budget 2022 – How does The Budget affect you and your business?: ext_5497910 — LiveJournal
October 20, 2022: 10:43:40 AM, Posted on Money
By Jodie Cross
The UK chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng has abandoned plans to eliminate the 45% additional rate of income tax on income above £150,000. This declaration follows far and wide analysis of the unfunded tax reduction from across the political range, and globally including from the Worldwide Money related…
Mini Budget 2022 – How does The Budget affect you and your business?: ext_5497910 — LiveJournal
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The UK chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng has abandoned plans to eliminate the 45% additional rate of income tax on income above £150,000. This declaration follows far and wide analysis of the unfunded tax reduction from across the political range, and globally including from the Worldwide Money related…
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Mini Budget 2022 – How does The Budget affect you and your business?: ext_5497910 — LiveJournal
The UK chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng has abandoned plans to eliminate the 45% additional rate of income tax on income above £150,000. This declaration follows far . . .
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