What is mentorship |Full Study Material | Hunarindia.org.in
March 27, 2023: 12:33:52 PM, Posted on Blog
By JohnDoe247938
A Relay is a simple electromechanical switch. While we use normal switches to close or open a circuit manually, a Relay is also a switch that connects or disconnects two circuits. But instead of a manual operation, a relay uses an electrical signal to control an electromagnet, which in turn connects or disconnects another circuit.
What is mentorship |Full Study Material | Hunarindia.org.in
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A Relay is a simple electromechanical switch. While we use normal switches to close or open a circuit manually, a Relay is also a switch that connects or disconnects two circuits. But instead of a manual operation, a relay uses an electrical signal to control an electromagnet, which in turn connects or disconnects another circuit.
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ᐅ School Level Project
ᐅ What is EDP
ᐅ How to know about project work
ᐅ Hunarindia.
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document appears 21 time, density: 1.23%
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» Relay
School Level
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What is mentorship |Full Study Material | Hunarindia.org.in
A Relay is a simple electromechanical switch. While we use normal switches to close or open a circuit manually, a Relay is also a switch that connects or discon . . .
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Web Page Size : 80241 Bytes
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