
Interview with Ravi Shankar, Senior VP and CMO , Denodo | AI-TechPark

April 14, 2023: 07:21:34 AM, Posted on Blog By martechnology

Ravi Shankar, Senior VP and Chief Marketing Officer at Denodo explores different aspects of data management and how Machine Learning can enhance the data landscape.



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Interview with Ravi Shankar, Senior VP and CMO , Denodo | AI-TechPark

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Ravi Shankar, Senior VP and Chief Marketing Officer at Denodo explores different aspects of data management and how Machine Learning can enhance the data landscape.

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» Interview with Ravi Shankar, Senior VP and CMO, Denodo

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🢬 Ravi Shankar

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🢭 Senior VP and CMO, Denodo


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› 1. Tell us about your role at Denodo. How much of your typical day is involved in innovating Data Virtualization for your customers?

› 2. What are the applications or rather opportunities you seek to have with your product?

› 3. How did you define the vision of Denodo? How did you approach your first 100 days at Denodo?

› 4. What are some of the industries that Denodo caters to?

› 5. What are some of the unique lessons you have learnt from analyzing your customer behavior?

› 6. What are some of the distinctive features of Denodo Platform? And how do you differentiate yourself from your competitors?

› 7. Denodo recently recognized in 2020 Gartner Peer Insights “Voice of the Customer”: Data Integration Tools. Can you elaborate more on the same?

› 8. What are some of the common pain points that your customers commonly approach you with?

› 9. What advice would you like to give to the upcoming Data driven tech startups?

› 10. Can you give us a sneak peek into some of the upcoming product upgrades that your customers can look forward to?

› 11. Which is the one Data driven breakthrough you will be on the lookout for in the upcoming year?

› 12. What is the one quote that has stayed with you throughout your professional life?

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Interview with Ravi Shankar, Senior VP and CMO , Denodo | AI-TechPark
Ravi Shankar, Senior VP and Chief Marketing Officer at Denodo explores different aspects of data management and how Machine Learning can enhance the data landsc . . .
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