Devi massala | 100% organic spices
December 5, 2022: 09:02:39 AM, Posted on Food
By Devimassala
Devi massala Pure Indian Spices – 100% natural, freshly packed and the finest ingredients. Freshly Kashmiri Mamara Almonds and श्रीं PURE A2 GIR Cow BILONA DESI – all pure & natural.
Devi massala | 100% organic spices
The title of your web page has a length of 34 characters. Most search engines will truncate the title to 70 characters.
Devi massala Pure Indian Spices – 100% natural, freshly packed and the finest ingredients. Freshly Kashmiri Mamara Almonds and श्रीं PURE A2 GIR Cow BILONA DESI – all pure & natural.
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ndash appears 13 time, density: 1.14%
value appears 12 time, density: 1.05%
Your web page has H1 tag below.
» Best selling Of The Week....
» World best Lakadong Turmeric Powder
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🢬 Devi Massala100% organic
🢬 What Client Says...
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🢭 keep in touch
🢭 Top rated products
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› Kashmiri Mamara Almonds
› Black Cardamom
› Lakadong turmeric powder
› Organic Cinnamon
› green cardamom(Platinum)
› Green Cardamom(Gold)
Google Search Results Preview
Devi massala | 100% organic spices
Devi massala Pure Indian Spices - 100% natural, freshly packed and the finest ingredients. Freshly Kashmiri Mamara Almonds and श्रीं PURE A2 GIR Cow B . . .
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Web Page Size : 117199 Bytes
Code Size : 106143 Bytes
Text Size : 11056 Bytes
Text to HTML Ratio : 9.43%
Words on Page : 1124 words
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