Al Hekma International School – International School in Bahrain
October 26, 2023: 11:55:57 AM, Posted on News
By Edwardcullen
AHIS is distinguished amongst International Schools and Education in Bahrain, it was founded in 1985 and is fully accredited by the Bahrain Ministry of Education and by Two world-wide recognized accreditation organizations (MSA) and Cognia.
Al Hekma International School – International School in Bahrain
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AHIS is distinguished amongst International Schools and Education in Bahrain, it was founded in 1985 and is fully accredited by the Bahrain Ministry of Education and by Two world-wide recognized accreditation organizations (MSA) and Cognia.
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school appears 19 time, density: 1.66%
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» AHIS is distinguished amongst International Schools and Education in Bahrain
» Students Orientation
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🢬 Exhibiting creative ways to achieve their goals & ambitions
🢬 Listen, lead and work collaboratively to solve problems locally and globally!
🢬 Our Latest News
🢬 Our Upcoming
🢬 AHIS alumni are key to our growth. Read what they said about us!
🢬 AHIS 2022/2023 Sponsors and Partners
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🢭 More than 37 years of determination!
🢭 Sharks Academy
🢭 Middle and High School Council
🢭 Alumni Networking Program
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› Important Links
Google Search Results Preview
Al Hekma International School – International School in Bahrain
AHIS is distinguished amongst International Schools and Education in Bahrain, it was founded in 1985 and is fully accredited by the Bahrain Ministry of Educatio . . .
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Web Page Size : 167624 Bytes
Code Size : 158411 Bytes
Text Size : 9213 Bytes
Text to HTML Ratio : 5.50%
Words on Page : 1132 words
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