Interview with Dan Gebow, PhD, Chief Innovation Office, Bioclinica | AI-TechPark
Interview with Dan Gebow, PhD, Chief Innovation Office, Bioclinica | AI-TechPark
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Dan Gebow, PhD, Chief Innovation Office, Bioclinica talks about the role of AI in enhancing the efficiencies of clinical trials and making a swift shift to medtech
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» Interview with Dan Gebow, PhD, Chief Innovation Officer, Bioclinica
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🢭 Chief Innovation Officer at Bioclinica
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› 1. Can you tell us about your role at Bioclinica?
› 2. Can you tell us about your journey into this market?
› 3. How has the emergence of AI technology in life sciences impacted clinical trials?
› 4. What edge do AI capabilities provide to clinical trial sponsors today? What’s the potential in the future?
› 5. Bioclinica was recently in the news for a new product that simplifies source document management in clinical trials. Can you lead us on to that?
› 6. What are your views on the recent shift of medicine into the digital world?
› 7. What advice would you like to give to the upcoming AIbased startups in the same industry?
› 8. What advancements is Bioclinica planning on in the future?
› 9.With the phase shift to online during this pandemic, what do you think are the transitory v/s permanent changes in clinical trials?
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Interview with Dan Gebow, PhD, Chief Innovation Office, Bioclinica | AI-TechPark
Dan Gebow, PhD, Chief Innovation Office, Bioclinica talks about the role of AI in enhancing the efficiencies of clinical trials and making a swift shift to medt . . .
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